Another great example of randomized algorithms in the introductory chapters of the book " Probability and Computing " is verifying matrix multiplication. Suppose we have 3 matrices of compatible dimensions $A, B$, and $C$, and we want to verify that \[A\cdot B = C\] For simplicity, let's assume that all the matrices are square, and of dimension $n \times n$. The straightforward way to do the verification is to explicitly multiple the matrices $A$ and $B$ together, an operation that is of the order of magnitude of $O(n^3)$. As an aside, we can do better than $O(n^3)$ for matrix multiplication for larger matrices. Wikipedia has an excellent writeup on Strassen's algorithm which accomplishes matrix multiplication in $O(n^{2.8074})$ through divide and conquer. First the matrices $A$, $B$, and $C$ are padded with zero columns and rows so that their dimensions are of the form $2^m \times 2^m$. The matrices are then divided into equally sized block matrices of the f...
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