Last weekend I wanted to clean up my python installation on Windows 10. In the past, I used a combination of Anaconda, Python app from the Windows Store, and Python distributions from Most of these were older versions that I have not updated in a while since I spend most of my time in WSL.
I started by deleting everything and cleaning up the
installs. Afterwards, I downloaded python 3.8 from, and proceeded with
the installation. I selected install python for everyone and adding it to the %PATH%
environment variable.
After the installation completed everything worked like a
charm, until I started installing packages.
I started with installing TensorFlow:
pip install tensorflow
and got a cryptic error that one of the TensorFlow files was
A quick internet search revealed that it is due to a missing
setting for long filenames in Windows 10.
Following the instructions in this
Stackoverflow post to enable long filenames option in the local computer
policy, resolved the issue, and the installation proceeded smoothly.
Then I installed keras, and jupyterlab
pip install keras jupyterlab
and tried to run jupyter lab, which failed because Jupyter
was not in the %PATH%. Instead of adding
another directory to the %PATH% variable, I ran jupyterlab through:
python -m jupyterlab
More keystrokes but works uniformly for any python module.
Now with python and the ML frameworks installed on Windows 10,
I can make use of the GPU again. But not for long, since WSL is planning on
adding GPU support soon, and there will be no need to live outside of WSL
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