"Mining the social web" is a book about how to access social data from the most popular social services today by using the services' public APIs, and analyzing the retrieved data to gain insights about it. The book uses the Python programming language to access and manipulate the data, and provides code snippets of common tasks within the book, as well as full iPython notebooks on Github. The book is written as documentation for the freely available iPython notebooks, with the documentation providing context and background for the code, as well as describing the algorithms used to mine the social data. The author tries to be as concise as possible, although he did not succeed in the first chapter, where the first three section were verbose, and relatively unnecessary, describing what twitter is and why people use it as a microblogging platform. With that out of the way, the writing style improves as the book progresses, and is a mixture of code examples and step ...
Musings about technology and life in general.